
🚀 Getting Started with Kubernetes

So, you’re ready to dive into the world of Kubernetes but unsure where to start? Fear not! We’ve got you covered with a beginner-friendly guide using our favorite environments – Minikube, k3d, and Vagrant. Whether you prefer to keep it local or venture into the cloud with a Codespace environment, we’ve got options for everyone.

Your Favorite Environments Guide

1. Minikube: Quick and Simple

Minikube is your go-to if you’re looking for a hassle-free Kubernetes setup on your local machine. Here’s a quick start:

# Install Minikube (if not already installed)
brew install minikube

# Start Minikube cluster
minikube start

# Verify your setup
kubectl get nodes

Now, you have a single-node Kubernetes cluster ready for exploration. Perfect for testing and learning the basics.

2. k3d: Lightweight and Portable

If you’re a fan of lightweight environments, k3d is your companion. It spins up a Kubernetes cluster in Docker containers, making it easy to set up and tear down:

# Install k3d (if not already installed)
brew install k3d

# Create k3d cluster
k3d cluster create <yourk3dcluster>

# Verify your setup
kubectl get nodes

Enjoy the simplicity of k3d, which provides a fast and lightweight Kubernetes environment for your experiments.

3. Vagrant: Customizable Kubernetes Playground


For those who prefer a more customizable setup, Vagrant is the way to go. You can choose between a 3-node or 6-node local setup for a more realistic cluster experience:

We have setup a 3 node cluster for simple three tier applications and development purposes. Check Kuberada labs repo for 3-node cluster Vagrantfile setup here.

# Install Vagrant (if not already installed)
brew install vagrant

# Choose your setup
# 3-node setup
vagrant up 3-node


We have a 6 node vagrant setup for distributed applications, microservices exploration. Check Kuberada labs repo for 6-node cluster setup here.

# 6-node setup
vagrant up 6-node

# Verify your setup
kubectl get nodes

Vagrant allows you to experiment with different node configurations, providing a scalable environment right on your local machine.


Whether you’re a fan of Minikube, k3d, or Vagrant we’ve got a Kubernetes environment tailored to your preferences. Choose the setup that suits your learning style, experiment with basic Kubernetes commands, and get ready to unlock the full potential of container orchestration.

Happy Kuberneting! 🌐🚀